I don't mean to be dramatic about things. I am just plain surprised, shocked, frustrated, aggravated and sad all lumped together. I guess the word devastated is what I'm looking for and this is the story behind my feelings:
A few weeks ago, my boys and I attended the WAC triathlon. This time, I didn't go to compete (so unlike me!) - I went to support friends and teammates. My boys went to volunteer for their ROTC unit. The great thing about sprint triathlons is that they're short and sweet. Within 45 minutes of the starting gun you can expect the winner to cross the finish line. The swim, bike, run and awards are over in a matter of hours. Those hours are packed with encouragement, jubilation and triumph.
Mitch and Nick and I wrapped up our day at the race around 11am. In those few short hours -- by the time I made it home -- I had several texts asking me if I knew anything about a fatal bike accident that had occured a couple hours prior involving a father and son. Texting back and texting others got me worried that I may know this pair - the shock occured when a school teacher from New Hanover called to tell me that David Doolittle and his 17-year-old son Trey had been hit by an impaired driver at 9:30am on River Road. Those feelings from the hours before were turned on their head.
The Doolittles and La Faves had a long, lasting and close relationship. We met David and Joy when they showed up for softball practice with our church team. We hit it off with them immediately since our church was fairly small back then and there were many families our age with children about the same age, too. There were about 6 couples and our families that became close through church softball, Wednesday evening dinners, Bible study, lunches out after church, Super Bowl parties, children's birthday parties, birth of new babies - you get the idea. We were a tight group and we shared intimate details of our lives together. We basically helped raise each other's children and lifted up each other in our marriages.
Life happens -- and over the years, we joined another church, others dropped out altogether. Joy separated from David, found an a great job and moved to Charlotte with the twins. The group eventually disbanded and pulled apart. But, those years were some of the best memories in our family that we have ever shared with others. We will always hold closely to our children's primary years as the years we spent in such closeness with these other families. The Doolittles were a huge part of this experience.
One of our best memories was that David wanted to know how to surf and approached Doug for his first lessons. Being a southern California surfer, Doug was happy to teach David how to surf. They went surfing often and David felt the divine closeness of God while surfing waves. He used to sit back, arm around the backside of a chair detailing his latest surfing experience - how the waves were breaking, the line he took on this wave and that. It wasn't long before Trey took to the sport. Eventually, David and Trey were off on their own, scouting out the best surf spots around town. David joined Doug on a trip to Costa Rica - and even though he was still new to the sport, was able to catch some great rides due to his athletic abilities.
Trey and Nick were the same age and it was always wonderful to have him around. He had a bright smile, was thoughtful in conversations, always ready for fun and just an easy, good-spirited kid. We loved him so much! David was also very thoughtful and shared openly his feelings of salvation with me. He was confident in his salvation, and didn't believe in the practice of having to do things to be saved. He knew the act of going to church or doing certain things didn't make him a Christian. He believed in being saved by God's grace through His Son Jesus Christ. He believed wholeheartedly in his salvation even though struggling in life as we all do. He was so intelligent, athletic and loved the idea of "sticking it to the man"! I'll never forget that this was one of his favorite lines!
I am devastated by the events of their bike accident. I am heartbroken that they won't be able to go on their planned surf trip to Costa Rica to celebrate Trey's 18th birthday. I'm angry that they were taken by a drunk and drugged driver. I'm saddened that that we will never have a chance to renew the relationship with David. I praise God for having known them during the best years of our sons' growing up years -that will remain with me for the rest of my life. Rest in peace, David and Trey! I love you both and will forever miss you!