Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Words of Wisdom

I'll admit it:  I got a little discouraged from last week's long distance pool swim.  I felt sluggish, heavy, slow - all the feelings that exit usually the minute I enter the water.  For some reason, I did not have "it".  I slogged through the workout, trying desperately to motivate myself by saying: "You can do this for another five minutes!" I repeated this pep talk at every single five minute mark. I do not like the feeling of heaviness during workouts.  I know for me it means I have not rested enough.  Of course, rested enough is different for everybody and sometimes what I consider enough is different than what my body really needs.  My mind says go, but my body says no!

I got relief from an unlikely source. I took a campus tour at East Carolina University with my son Nick (a rising senior). Part of the three hour tour (sorry, couldn't resist) took us through a cafeteria and we were all given a free fountain drink. Nick and I sat down and right across from us was a wall labeled:  a "napkin noteboard".  There were two napkins on it.  One said Sam's Omlettes are the best! That one reminded me of college days and I wondered: was Sam a guy or a girl, and who would be at his/her house at breakfast time and why?  Oh, those college life days bring a smile!  

The other napkin really hit home with me.  On it said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13.  That was it - what I needed just in time for my next trial swim in the ICW in just the next two days.  Throughout that swim, I kept that verse in my head, borrowing God's arms of strength to keep me going, reminiscing about the wonderful children who have no home and no one to care for them.  No matter how tired I become, it is nothing compared to the struggles those children face day-to-day.  Christ will strengthen me, as He has done for the vulnerable children around the world in our times of need.  

I started my next swim feeling refreshed and energetic.  I had a renewed motivation that came from heaven above!  Right when you need it, you may find your own words of wisdom in some unlikely place! Who'd've thought they could come on a fashionable napkin? 

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