It is an all too common sight across Africa: children caring for children because their parents have died of HIV/AIDS, disease, war, famine and other causes.  They face lives of loneliness, hardship and hunger.  Many of the children end up begging for food, living on the streets or worse.

ZOE Ministry wants to break this cycle of poverty, and give these children hope. ZOE goes into communities where the orphans are already living, brings them together in supportive groups, connects them with local churches and offers them just enough resources and training for them to pull themselves out of poverty in 2-3 years.

Moving beyond traditional relief models, ZOE provides a holistic approach to transforming the lives of African children. The first step is to have local African ZOE staff work with community leaders to identify the most vulnerable children in their area. These orphans and child-led families are then united with one another in a mutually-supportive Working Group of 60-80 children. Working Groups often become an extended family, supporting one another in their journey out of poverty. With the help of adult mentors, ZOE staff, and local leaders, these orphans are given access to the resources and training to improve their lives in five main areas: food security, health and hygiene, vocational skills, spiritual foundation in Christ, and adequate housing.

ZOE has a small team of staff in the United States, led by the Rev. Greg Jenks, Founder and Executive Director. ZOE's African staff, led by Ephiphanie Mujawimana, work on the ground with orphans in Kenya, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. You can learn more about ZOE’s Staff in the United States and Africa.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11