On August 13, 2011, Leanne LaFave will swim a ten-mile solo course that’s never been done before -- from Carolina Beach to Wrightsville Beach – as a fundraiser for ZOE Ministry, an organization dedicated to empowering orphans in Africa. The ICW10 Swim for Zoe will start at 8:00a at the Carolina Beach Inlet. Our purpose is to raise $18,000 -- enough to support 60-80 children in ZOE's three-year empowerment program!

This swim has been in her mind and on her heart since she saw the difficulties these orphans face in May of 2006 during a mission trip to Africa. The ICW10 aims to raise $18,000 for ZOE Ministry to sponsor a working group of 60-80 orphans and vulnerable children on the road to self-reliance. Through this sponsorship, ZOE will provide training, support and resources, empowering these children to break the cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient in two-to-three years.

Stay tuned for more information about this incredible event!