Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Start of Something Big

I'm getting really excited and feel that God is putting things in just the right places for this event to actually happen!  One of the biggest tasks on my list - find a swim coach! One who can help me mentally and physically on this endurance swim.
Last week - I found the one! I met with a swim coach, John Pellizzari to ask if he'd be willing to coach me through this swim.  One of the first questions he asked: what is your husband going to do during this swim. A powerful question that caught me off guard! He knew right off that without my family's support, this event won't even hold water (so to speak). I knew right off that I'd love to work with someone who puts family at the top.
Next, we talked logistics: tides, gear and support. He was excited to hear that we already have Ben, a competitive sailor with a motor boat who knows the water and will be with me during this endeavor. 

Finally, we touched on training and the actual swim!  By May, he wants me  to be swimming five days a week! I didn't say so, but immediately I was thinking, "How am I going to keep the color in my hair?  What am I going to do about constant goggle marks around my eyes?  Oh, no - should I reconsider this whole thing?" :)



  1. Leanne, I was so thrilled to see this on Renee's Facebook page! What an amazing endeavor! I love Zoe Ministry - our church is a big supporter, and Greg Jenks has come to speak. I will be praying for you and following your progress as you train!!

  2. It's great to see you swimming during the week and wish we had an opportunity to talk during swim workouts. Glad you checked this out from Renee's facebook page - what a wonderful friend she is to have added it! Pastor Greg has such a heart for these children that I witnessed while serving in Zimbabwe - I was completely touched by his selflessness. I'm going to swim my heart out for these orphans in order that some will no longer be alone and suffering! Thank you for your support PJ and give yours a hug for me!
